Some thoughts on Tweeting

Written by Jaganadh Gopinadhan

I am not a twitter user :-) :-( . But I found that twitter has an importent role in my professional area (Natural Language Processing). Lots of R&D activities are happening related to blogging and microbloging, like ‘sentiment analysis’ etc.. I think it is going to be the next generation marketing platform.

Today I was searching on IEEE Xplore for academic papers related to twitter. The keyword ‘Twitter’ returned 23 results in IEEE Xplore. I found an one page writeup on tweeting by ‘Robobert W. Lucky’ titled “To Twitter Or Not to Twitter?”.It appeared in the ‘Reflection coloum of IEEE Spectrum. He shares his thoughts on tweeting and people who used to tweet in this article. He concludes the article so: “So is the networking phenomenon a great revolution in social consciousness, or is this just a lot of pointless, incessant barking? If you get a message that I’ve just awakened, you’ll know what I’ve decided.”

The full version of the article can be accessed from this link

The second article I found was “Yes, we can Twitter” by ‘Sangani, K’. It gives a short history of twitter, popular users on twitter, trends in twitter and about virus and spoofing attack . The author quotes reports from “Sophos” an anti-virus company. The article appeared in ‘Engineering and Technology’ Volume 4, Issue 6, 11-24 April 11 2009 Page(s):34 - 35 .

Another write-up I came came across is by ‘Fred Douglis’ entitled ‘Information Overload,140 Characters at a Time’. He also shares his personal thoughts on tweets with some user experience. He concludes his writing : “My own prediction is that Twitter will continue to be successful for a while, but if it doesn’t improve its communication model, it will be overtaken by a competing service that will have a better handle on controlling information and permitting people to get high-value content while avoiding the dreck. Time will tell.” The article appeared in Internet Computing, IEEE,Volume 13, Issue 4, July-Aug. 2009 Page(s):4 - 5.

There are other articles too. I am reading those articles. I am more interested in “NLP with Twitter content”.

Migrated from my old blog

Written on November 14, 2009
The Opinions Expressed In This Post Are My Own And Not Necessarily Those Of My Employer.
[ Twitter  Tweeting  Natural Language Processing  ]