Speech Recognition with Python
Written by Jaganadh GopinadhanRecently I saw a talk in listed in the CMU Sphinx site about Speech recognition with Python and Pocket Sphinx. I have downloaded the video and replicated the experiments. It was successful . To play with Python and speech recognition we have to install the following packages. python-pocketsphinx pocketsphinx-lm-wsj pocketsphinx-hmm-wsj
These three packages are available in the Ubuntu repo. So using apt-get install you can install it.
If you are using fedora install the following packages with yum :
The language model and hmm files are not available in the fedora repo so I downloaded the source files from http://packages.ubuntu.com/en/maverick/pocketsphinx-lm-wsj and http://packages.ubuntu.com/fi/maverick/pocketsphinx-lm-wsj .
Then following the instruction in the video I prepared a python code. To test the code I used wav files from NLTK data (timit corpus).
The python code which I used is given below The code is available at my bitbucket “http://bitbucket.org/jaganadhg/blog/src/tip/asr/asr.py”
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys,os
def decodeSpeech(hmmd,lmdir,dictp,wavfile):
Decodes a speech file
import pocketsphinx as ps
import sphinxbase
print """Pocket sphinx and sphixbase is not installed
in your system. Please install it with package manager.
speechRec = ps.Decoder(hmm = hmmd, lm = lmdir, dict = dictp)
wavFile = file(wavfile,'rb')
result = speechRec.get_hyp()
return result[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
hmdir = "/home/jaganadhg/Desktop/Docs_New/kgisl/model/hmm/wsj1"
lmd = "/home/jaganadhg/Desktop/Docs_New/kgisl/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.3e-7.vp.tg.lm.DMP"
dictd = "/home/jaganadhg/Desktop/Docs_New/kgisl/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.dic"
wavfile = "/home/jaganadhg/Desktop/Docs_New/kgisl/sa1.wav"
recognised = decodeSpeech(hmdir,lmd,dictd,wavfile)
print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
print recognised
print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
Happy Hacking
Migrated from my old blog jaganadhg.freeflux.net
Speech Recognition
Automatic Speech Recognition