Redmine the Open Source way for project management

Recently I came across a new Free and Open Source project management tool called Redmine. Very nice tool. It is web based frame work developed in Rubu on Rails architecture. It is use ful for Open Source Communities to Corporate world. The entire software production life cycle can be made tracable and automated. It is highely customisable. The installation instruction says that it will tale 15 minuted to install, if you are familier with Ruby language. But it may take more time. I treid to install it in a Fedora8 machine and integrate with apache for intranet access. Both people were novice in Ruby so we took three days to configure it. The main advantage of this tool is its customisability. Depending upon the need of community or organization you can customize it or add more features. A handful of plug-is are also available for the tool. The most interesting one is the library plug in. It can be used to anage the libraray in an organisation. I am sure it will become most favorite tool for the corporate world and open community.

Migrated from my old blog

Written on June 25, 2009
The Opinions Expressed In This Post Are My Own And Not Necessarily Those Of My Employer.
[ Redmine  Project Management  ]