Experiments with NoSQL databases- CouchDB

I started reading about NoSQL databases for a long time. Occasionally I used some NoSQL databases like Apache CouchDB and Apache Cassandra for some analytics purpose(Some minor projects) with Python. This time I just thought why can’t try something on Java + NoSQL. I created a small for project to play with. The idea of this project is: store Twitter search result to CouchDB. I used the following Operating System, Programming Languages and Libraries in this project.

        Operating System                  :     Fedora 16 (verne)
        Programming Language     :     Java (JDK 1.6.0_29)
        IDE                                            :     Eclipse 3.7.1
        Apache CouchDB                   :    1.0.
        External Libraries                   :     Couchdb4J 
                                                              Apache Commons httpclient, logging, codec,commons,collections, beanutils 
                                                              Jsonlib, ezmorph    

Installing CouchDB To install CouchDB fire the terminal and type the command

    $su -c 'yum -y install couchdb'

After succesful installation start the CoucbDB server by issuing the command in the terminal $su -c ‘/etc/init.d/couchdb start’

Now your CouchDB instance will be up and running. You can check this by opening CouchDB Futon in the broswer by navigating to http://localhost:5984/_utils/. If everything will fine you will see the Funton Interface.

Let’s start out project. First create a function to connect to the CouchDB instance,create and retrun a database with given name. If the database already exits it has to return the database.

     * @param strDBName
     * @return dbCouchDB

    public static Database connectCouchDB(String strDBName) {
        Database dbCouchDB = null;
        Session dbCouchDBSession = new Session("localhost", 5984);
        List<String> databases = dbCouchDBSession.getDatabaseNames();
        if (databases.contains(strDBName)) {
            dbCouchDB = dbCouchDBSession.getDatabase(strDBName);
        } else {
            dbCouchDB = dbCouchDBSession.getDatabase(strDBName);

        return dbCouchDB;


Now we can create a function to search in Twitter Search and return the tweets.

     * @param strQuery
     * @throws TwitterException
     * @return queryResult

    public static QueryResult getTweets(String strQuery)
            throws TwitterException {
        Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
        Query query = new Query(strQuery);
        QueryResult queryResult = twitter.search(query);
        return queryResult;


To insert the tweets to the CouchDB document collection(database) it has to be converted to a document. Lets create a function to convert individual tweets to CouchDB document.

     * @param tweet
     * @return couchDocument

    public static Document tweetToCouchDocument(Tweet tweet) {

        Document couchDocument = new Document();

        couchDocument.put("Tweet", tweet.getText().toString());
        couchDocument.put("UserName", tweet.getFromUser().toString());
        couchDocument.put("Time", tweet.getCreatedAt().toGMTString());
        couchDocument.put("URL", tweet.getSource().toString());

        return couchDocument;


Now we can try to write the Twitter Search results to the CouchDB document collection with the following function.

     * @param tweetQury
     * @param dbName
     * @throws TwitterException

    public static void writeTweetToCDB(String strTweetQury, String strdbName)
            throws TwitterException {
        QueryResult tweetResults = getTweets(strTweetQury);
        Database dbInstance = connectCouchDB(strdbName);
        for (Tweet tweet : tweetResults.getTweets()) {
            Document document = tweetToCouchDocument(tweet);


Now it is time to execute our project. Add the following lines to the main() and run the project.

        String query = "java";
        String dbName = "javatweets";
        writeTweetToCDB(query, dbName);

That is all !!!!!! .

The entire code is available at my bitbucket repo

Happy Hacking !!!!!!!!

Migrated from my old blog jaganadhg.freeflux.net

Written on November 29, 2011
The Opinions Expressed In This Post Are My Own And Not Necessarily Those Of My Employer.
[ NoSQL  CouchDB  Apache CouchDB  ]