N-Gram library for Indian Languages

I have written an N-Gram libraray for Indic languages in Python. It can be used to generate unigram, or bigram or trigram from a raw Unicode text in Indian languages. I dont know how it will behave to pashto arabic scripts. It can be downloaded from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/indicngramlib/1.0 It can be used to generate unigram or bigram or trigram of words in a text.

I am copying the README hre. Please send your suggestions, criticisms etc.. to me.



This script is for to generate n-gram(unigram, bigram, trigram) from Indic Unicode text. To read more about N-Gram please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-gram.

This script is released under GNU GPL licence. No commercial use is allowed.

If you are using the script for your research purpose please refer it. Also send a mail to jaganadhg@gamil.com (because I am happy to know that some body is using this)

The software is provided as such. No warranty.


To install it run python setup.py install


This library provides the following functions.


The library is designed such a way that one can use it for 1) To view the output data (in command line) 2) To store the data in to a file 3) To use the output of this library in a program where it is utilised.

The unigram() and printUnifreq() function

The unigram() function is used to generate unigram from a given text. The text which is giving as input should be in UTF8 format.

The printUnifreq() function can print the unigram with frequency info. It can be use in two ways. 1) To print the unigram and frequency info to the command line 2) To store unigram and frequency info to a file.

A sample code snippet is given below.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from indicngramlib import *
    ngram = indicNgram()
    ngram.printUnifreq() # It will print the output to command line

If you would like to store the content to a file, then replace the last line with the following line.


The bigram() and printBigram() function

The bigram function is used to generate bigram from a text. The text which is given as input should be in UTF8 format.

The printBigram() function can print the bigram with frequency info. It can be used in two ways. 1) To print the bigram and frequency info to the command line. 2) To store bigram and frequency info to a file.

A sample code snippet is given below.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from indicngramlib import *
    ngram = indicNgram()
    ngram.printBigram() # It will print the output to command line

If you would lke to store the bigram and frequency infro to file, then replace the last line with the following line.


The trigram() and printTrigram() function

The trigram() function is used to generate trigram from a given text. The text whixh s given as input should be in UTF8 format.

The printTrigram() function can print the trigram with frequency info. It can be used in two ways. 1) To print the trigram and frequency info to command line. 2) To store trigram and frequency info to a file.

A sample code snippet is given below.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from indicngramlib import *
    ngram = indicNgram()
    ngram.printTrigram() # It will print the output to command line

If you would like o store the output to file replace last line with


How to use the output of this library in my Python Program?

It is very easy!! Import the indicngramlib in your Python script. If you plan to generate unigram from a text and to use that in your program, follow the steps mentioned below.

    from indicngramlib import *

    ngram = indicNgram()
    myunigram = ngram.unigram("your_text.txt")

So now the ‘myunigram’, which is a dictioney will contain unigram with frequency infor. If you want only unigram just get the keys from ‘myunigram’

Like wise you can use bigram() and trigram()

There is a __textReader() function in your lib. May I can use it?

No!! It is a private function. You cant use that function.

Happy Hacking !!

Migrated from my old blog jaganadhg.freeflux.net

Written on July 22, 2009
The Opinions Expressed In This Post Are My Own And Not Necessarily Those Of My Employer.
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